163 Stevenson Park , Tullyally, Londonderry , BT47 3QT
02871 347950


"We, the community of Ashlea Primary and Nursery School, welcome you to our school website."


Latest News

School Admissions
1/01/2024 9:13 AM

Nursery and Primary application portals open on Friday 10th January at 12 Noon. Click on the Title 'School Admissions' for further information.

School Admissions
1/01/2024 9:13 AM

Nursery and Primary application portals open on Friday 10th January at 12 Noon. Click on the Title 'School Admissions' for further information.

School Admissions
1/01/2024 9:13 AM

Nursery and Primary application portals open on Friday 10th January at 12 Noon. Click on the Title 'School Admissions' for further information.